Photo #1762, from the 20Jul00 directory.

 city = Provo
 state = Utah
 date = 7/4/2000
  This photo is also available in the following formats:
     Medium (822 x 558 pixels, 94 KB)
     Small (427 x 289 pixels, 33 KB)

Bruce Wilson of Brookings SD thought on 4/5/2001 that this photo was good and added the following:
"A nice coincidence. The two balloons were being inflated next to each other, and the wind caught them just right to make it look like Smokey was wispering something into the ear of Sarge. Luck was responsible for this shot, not skill, I'm afraid."

unpuppet of rapid city thought on 4/10/2001 that this photo was totally cool! and added the following:
"cute :)"


Note: some photographs have an image stamp of my old website