Query = 'band'

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The cabin Rulon and Floyd Hunt moved over from Cainsville in 1929 after thier father, Charlie, abandoned the ranch

The purple band of shale found in the Chinle layer

The cavern dug (possibly) by the department of defense as a strategic location, but abandoned.

39deg 09.53N 110deg 43.02W climb down the dugway to get to the horizontal entrance.  
The white band is ash fromt he eruption of Mt. Boulder, 50 million years ago

Bryce Canyon National Park  
Abandoned station, track semaphore, sunset

Abandoned car/truck wash, next to the Starlight Inn.

 Nephi Utah
Shadow of R.R. crossing lights on abandoned building, Madison SD

Nearly-abandoned grain elevators, Bushnell SD

Lamp above pump, abandoned gas station North of Brookings SD

Abandoned Chimney and House

  #a106-33  "Lilacs and Ruins"
An abandoned farm and equipment. I got there during Spring, just when the Lilacs were at their peak

Western South Dakota  
  #b083-01  "Grass and Ice"
A single stand of grass survives the prairie winter winds. The dark bands in the snow come from alternate deposits of snow and dust blown from the surrounding fields, then scoured down by the dry winds of winter

South of town Elkton SD
The rather beautiful, but abandoned, Starlight Inn, left to rot in 2000.

 Nephi Utah
Payson Cold Storage Lockers (abandoned), sunset.

 Payson Utah
Abandoned powerhouse

 Eureka Utah
  Private photo not shown.  Please login on the Catalog page to view comments on private photos.

Results from the Comments:

Barbara Willard of Provo thought on 10/26/2002 that this photo was superb and added the following:
"I'm glad you hae this picture that shows the trails. My husband and I took the horseso on one of their trail trips plus we have walked the trail several times, brings back many memories!" 3731

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