Query = 'cabin'

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Inside Floyd's Cabin, Hunt Ranch

The cabin Rulon and Floyd Hunt moved over from Cainsville in 1929 after thier father, Charlie, abandoned the ranch

Broken Cross and Douglass Fir, as seen from the entrance of Honeymoon Cave

Swaysey's Cabin, Head of Sinbad San Rafael Swell 
Honeymoon Cave

Swaysey's Cabin, Head of Sinbad San Rafael Swell 
Swazy's Cabin

Head of Sinbad  
This old house is made of 2x4's, all laid flat to make the walls. A very strange method of construction.

lakeside, west of Spanish Fork Utah
This is the schoolhouse my grampa attended in his youth. It's located on the South Park Loop. It was subsequently used by my Uncle Nate as a workshop. The roof and floor are now gone, and only cows enjoy this view of it.

South park Jackson WY

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