Query = 'campground'

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Results from the Directory listing:

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Results from the Photographs listing:

Barn along Indian Creek, south of the campground

The Bridge campground from the benches west of Assembly Hall Peak

Cliffs above Mexican Mountain Road

Near the Bridge campground  
Window Blind Peak

West of the Bridge Campground San Rafael Swell 
Unnamed round peak and Assembly Hall Peak

West of the Bridge Campground San Rafael Swell 
Unnamed round peak and Assembly Hall Peak

West of the Bridge Campground San Rafael Swell 
Window Blind Peak

West of the Bridge Campground San Rafael Swell 
Bottleneck Peak

West of the Bridge Campground San Rafael Swell 
Window Blind Peak

West of the Bridge Campground San Rafael Swell 
Small stream (originating form a spring)

Maple Bench campground Payson Canyon UT
Can and rock, light rain.

Near Maple Bench campground, payson canyon.  
Fall grove.

Maple Bench campground Payson canyon Utah

Results from the Comments:

Bruce Wilson thought on 10/3/2006 that this photo was displayed properly and added the following:
"The Payson Lakes area has a nice campground. And the aspen are beautiful right now." 4081

Results from the old catalog:


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