Query = 'during'

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Medium shot of a wall, showing how the sandstone has over time 'melted' during rainstorms. This is not very solid sandstone.

  #a106-33  "Lilacs and Ruins"
An abandoned farm and equipment. I got there during Spring, just when the Lilacs were at their peak

Western South Dakota  

Countess Aislinn, water bearing during the field battle.
Their Majesties got Cian pretty good. He was called up during the opening ceremonies, and His Majesty talked about there being unfinished business from Pennsic.
He then described Cian's feats of derring-do on the Pennsic field in great detail, finishing with "We have a special award for this."
All those who helped during the uncommonly fierce rain at WW are given an award

Frozen river, and car/snowmobile tracks, during the spring thaw, Dell Rapids SD

Palisades during the spring runoff. I normally shoot standing four feet below that mostly-submerged rock.

  #a072-12  "Rocks and Waves"
This is Sioux Quartzite. It was layed down 2 million years ago on the bottom of a shallow lake. Due to silting, the wave pattern formed during mild times were preserved throughout the yearly floods. This patterned sand was compressed into the rock you see

Palisades State Park Near Garretson SD

The Princess and ladies sit before the pavilion during a break in the fighting
  #088-26  "Cold. Oh so very cold"
Shot during a break in the clouds of a very cold and foggy day (T = -10 F), kneeling in about 2 feet of snow

Far Western side  MN
Sunset during spring thaw, OLSP


Results from the Comments:

Bruce Wilson of Provo, Utah thought on 2/23/2004 that this photo was displayed properly and added the following:
"I shot this about 10 minutes before sunrise from the balcony at Bryce Point. The haze is from a large fire burning about 20 miles to the north, which settled into the valleys during the still night." 7313

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