Query = 'face'

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Results from the Photographs listing:

Dry narrows (CNYN), pool at end Metered at 20 sec, shot 45 sec. Canyon faces SE

Long Canyon, Burr Trail  
It is an effort of take pictures of the entire land surface of the planet...
Looking North
The fighter behind the white shield with the red cross is Castile of the black hand,
the one more-or-less in the middle with his face obscured by his sword is THL Owen Alun, and the one at the far right with the red drape on his helm is Kenneth di Katze. All three are from Nordskogen
Work on the face of Deer Creek Dam. A rare sight.

As the snow falls, it gets layered with dirt blown off the fields. When the wind blows harder, the snow is scoured off, leaving conture lines visible on the surface

Far Western side  MN

Results from the Comments:

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