Query = 'help'

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Results from the Directory listing:

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Results from the Photographs listing:

The Jeep has arrived, and the truck, which first offered assistance, has gone to get more of it's truck pals to help.

Perhaps jacking the vehicle up and filling in the depressions will help...

Help identify this snake!

Little Wild Horse Canyon  
All those who helped during the uncommonly fierce rain at WW are given an award


Results from the Comments:

Bruce Wilson of Provo, Utah thought on 10/20/2004 that this photo was displayed properly and added the following:
"No enhancement here. I got the blue by shooting this toward the end of an overcast day. The blue skylight was quite rich, and the darkness helped me get a long exposure (about 1/3 to 1/2 second)." 5832

Jonathan Bundick of Texas thought on 6/27/2002 that this photo was good and added the following:
"I like the subject, composition, and light. A little more exposure might help, but not too much could be improved on. Very nice warm feeling when viewed for several moments. " 3271

Results from the old catalog:


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