Query = 'pretty'

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Pretty little pasture, surrounded by plowed fields

Their Majesties got Cian pretty good. He was called up during the opening ceremonies, and His Majesty talked about there being unfinished business from Pennsic.
He then described Cian's feats of derring-do on the Pennsic field in great detail, finishing with "We have a special award for this."

Results from the Comments:

Dorde Woodruff of SLC thought on 5/30/2004 that this photo was good and added the following:
"A pretty, neat flower on Sclerocactus parviflorus, not S. whipplei, which is a smaller plant, doesn't grow here, and rarely becomes cylindrical. The common name for S. parviflorus is a translation of the Latin, "small-flowered fishhook cactus", or more properly, "small-flowered little barrel cactus", a misnomer, since this species has small flowers only in comparison to the giant of the genus, S. polyancistrus of California. " 4188

An anonymous visitor thought on 11/28/2001 that this photo was superb and added the following:
"Pretty sky, a lovely pinkish hue." 6570

Sammy thought on 4/19/2001 that this photo was good and added the following:
"Aha! Looks like a macro/angle finder shot to me. Pretty good. Nice colors." 3304

Bruce Wilson thought on 4/7/2001 that this photo was good and added the following:
"South Dakota, due to the extremely flat land here, has the most wonderful evening light. Rich in color but still quite bright, the light just before sunset is the photographers 'majical 20 minutes'. Take a juned old tractor, wait for the light, and you get a pretty-good picture." 3416

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