Query = 'school'

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Results from the Directory listing:

04Nov00  Palisades in Fall, old schoolhouse, SD in Fall  old
13Apr00  Scenics around Egan, SD, tractors, school, Estelline SD quarry.  old

Results from the Photographs listing:

School: Egan Consolidated District No. 1

 Egan SD

Peteeneet Academy Payson Utah

Peteeneet Academy Nephi Utah

 Eureka Utah
Peteeneet School, Statue

 Payson Utah
This is the schoolhouse my grampa attended in his youth. It's located on the South Park Loop. It was subsequently used by my Uncle Nate as a workshop. The roof and floor are now gone, and only cows enjoy this view of it.

South park Jackson WY

 Egan SD


Egan Public School


 Egan SD
ROTC building, SDSU

School, Rutland SD

Bench, pond

park near high school Baltic SD

Results from the Comments:

whitney sorensen of salt lake city utah thought on 3/10/2007 that this photo was displayed properly and added the following:
" this was my grade school and i hope they dont ever tear it down." 4735

Results from the old catalog:


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