Query = 'wedge'

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Results from the Directory listing:

  No matches.

Results from the Photographs listing:

Morning view of the San rafael River valley

East side of the Wedge  
San Rafael Valley, looking towards the Wedge Overlook some fwd tilt

Mexican mountain rd  
San Rafael Valley, looking towards the Wedge Overlook some fwd tilt

Mexican mountain rd  
Little Grand Canyon canyon haze = 5

Wedge overlook, east side  
Little Grand Canyon clouds at 5, before sunrise

Wedge overlook, west side  
Little Grand Canyon cliffs at 5, before sunrise xp 5 sec. goofed, forgot filter factor

Wedge overlook, west side  
Little Grand Canyon cliffs at 5, after sunset xp 5 sec.

Wedge overlook, east side  
Little Grand Canyon cliffs at 5.5, just after sunset 1.5 sec.

Wedge overlook, east side  
Little Grand Canyon cliffs at 5.5

Wedge overlook, east side  

Results from the Comments:

  No matches.

Results from the old catalog:


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