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Sammy thought on 7/28/2001 that this photo was very cool and added the following:
"Wow! Nice shot." 2931

carrie thought on 7/27/2001 that this photo was totally cool, dude and added the following:
"HOTTIE!!!" 2221

carrie thought on 7/27/2001 that this photo was totally cool, dude and added the following:
"he's HOT!!!!" 2153

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An anonymous visitor thought on 7/16/2001 that this photo was displayed properly and added the following:
"Cool tree." 3118

Bruce Wilson thought on 7/14/2001 that this photo was good and added the following:
"Shots like this is why I always carry a 24mm wide-angle lens. You may have noticed that most shots in magazines like National Geographic are shot with wide-angle lenses. These lenses give a very nice sense of both subject and surroundings. Just remember to keep these rectilinear lenses pointing exactly horizontally to prevent convergence." 2984

An anonymous visitor thought on 7/12/2001 that this photo was very cool and added the following:
"Cool sunset." 2329

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