Query = 'again'

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Tomsich Butte, against the magnificant walls above Hondo Country

Aspen against apine

microwave area, below gate  
Again, copy and paste: http://chem.dynu.com/photo/photos/2002/sep04/success.avi

Again, my shooting setup, later in the afternoon than the previous shot

Fisher Towers BLM area  

Results from the Comments:

Wayne of Orem thought on 6/14/2005 that this photo was displayed properly and added the following:
"Bruce, you did it! You have discovered a new population of Papilio indra minori. This is a very fresh specimen so it looks like the flight has just begun where you are. I guess this is the specimen you saw? There must be either Lomatium junceum, L. parryi or Cymopterus terebinthinus in the area for this fresh specimen to be there. Anxious to hear from you again. Keep up the great work! Wayne" 3336

Benjamin J Wilson thought on 8/19/2004 that this photo was like, Wow, you know, totally mind-blowing and added the following:
"Hey Dr. Wilson, I had no idea that you were a photographer. This picture is awesome! Those clouds look like they were painted. Very good work. Thanks again for writting me a letter of evaluation, and preparing me for the DAT. So far on my practice DAT's I have got an 18 or better. See around this semester. Ben Wilson" 6876

Wayne thought on 5/14/2004 that this photo was displayed properly and added the following:
"No. Not in the family Apiaceae. This again looks like Atriplex, but maybe it is a young Astragalus (locoweed)." 3145

Cemal Ekin of Rhode Island thought on 11/24/2002 that this photo was displayed properly and added the following:
"I saw Byrce Canyon for the first time last December. It took my breath away. Then, again in May and I was blown away one more time. Although I came close to seeing the sentinel, I could not go down far enough to see it. Thank you for sharing this extremely good photograph with us all. This is probably better than what I would ahve seen on that cloudy day. I may take another trip there since my doughter and son-in-law are in SLC. You live in a wonderful country there. Regards, Cemal" 6272

Bruce Wilson thought on 4/19/2001 that this photo was 'interesting' and added the following:
"It is a macro shot (using a 25mm extension tube), and using the angle finder. Angle finders are essential for getting shots that most people don't see, because you can get your camera in odd locations (on the gorund looking up) and using the finder still see what you're shooting. Were I to do this again I's stop down a little more and keep everything in focus. Most macro photography has a depth of field problem. I think it's usually done to keep the background fuzzy. It's much better to stop down then remove the background with black velvet . With an angle finder you get sky in the background, and fuzzy sky is still sky. This shot was done on a tripod (set very low), but I had to keep the shutter speed high because the wind was blowing and moving the subject." 3314

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