Query = 'another'

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Results from the Photographs listing:

Another paper-cased borehole

Another unnamed pothole arch

The "dyno", lunging from one self to another.

The sun sets on another South Dakota farm

US14 East of  Brookings South Dakota
Another entry in the antenna series


Results from the Comments:

Bruce Wilson thought on 10/20/2004 that this photo was displayed properly and added the following:
"Another one shot in overcast skylight. The 4x5 is great, but I've never managed to get the colors right in an R3 print." 5951

Rivi of Dubai - U.A.E. thought on 10/19/2004 that this photo was superb and added the following:
"This is another great shot. One question though, did you increase the saturation of blue? Hope you don't mind the question. I am an amateur trying very hard to learn. Rivi www.ajithrivi.blogspot.com" 5838

Cemal Ekin of Rhode Island thought on 11/24/2002 that this photo was displayed properly and added the following:
"I saw Byrce Canyon for the first time last December. It took my breath away. Then, again in May and I was blown away one more time. Although I came close to seeing the sentinel, I could not go down far enough to see it. Thank you for sharing this extremely good photograph with us all. This is probably better than what I would ahve seen on that cloudy day. I may take another trip there since my doughter and son-in-law are in SLC. You live in a wonderful country there. Regards, Cemal" 6272

Bruce Wilson of Provo, Utah thought on 3/14/2002 that this photo was displayed properly and added the following:
"Thanks, Theo. It's okay to use as your own desktop. I guess those trees really are out of focus, and I took another look at the big version, looks like th ebarn is in sharp focus, but the Teton mountains in the background were out of focus a bit." 6032

Bruce Wilson thought on 4/7/2001 that this photo was 'interesting' and added the following:
"I've always liked this shot, even thought there is a focus problem, and a slight imbalance in the composition. The light that afternoon was perfect, though. Shot outside the Madison SD Prarie Village antique tractor pull and all-around good time, this was the preparation for the ploughing contest. The train in the mid-gound is an old Arco switcher (about 1000 HP) that pulled four cards full of passengers around the site. The silos in the background are a nice reminder we are in the prarie. The shot could be fixed had I waited another moment for the engine to move about eight more feet, creating a line from the silos, thrjought the cab of the engine, to the head of the farmer. And closing down the shutter would have fixed the focus problem. Maybe next time." 3136

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