Query = 'cat'

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Gate, Cat Canyon

The cavern dug (possibly) by the department of defense as a strategic location, but abandoned.

39deg 09.53N 110deg 43.02W climb down the dugway to get to the horizontal entrance.  
mexican mt and the cliffs this location is very good for sun angle!

slope just above second gate on mexican mt rd  
Desert Trumpet. The tall-standing stalk stays until trampled, leaving the desert scattered with veritcal pods with "feelers"

Mexican Mountain Road  
Cattle-Guard pictogrpahs

Buckhorn Wash, San rafael Swell  
This is the schoolhouse my grampa attended in his youth. It's located on the South Park Loop. It was subsequently used by my Uncle Nate as a workshop. The roof and floor are now gone, and only cows enjoy this view of it.

South park Jackson WY
A caterpillar nest

Cattails, Fall

An old car (and target) located at an old ore facility

NW Eureka UT
Delicate Arch, sunset

Arches National Park  
Delicate Arch, sunset

Arches National Park Moab Utah
Delicate Arch, sunset

Arches National Park Moab Utah
These cattails are 6 feet tall

Delicate Arch, dimunitized by the massive sandstone wall below it.

Arches N.P.  
Wildcat creek?

Waterpocket Fold, Impossible Peak (?), in the background is Wildcat mesa

Delicate Arch from the viewpoint near the road.


Results from the Comments:

jack gilbert of Toronto thought on 3/13/2002 that this photo was superb and added the following:
"I love photographing God's creations, the flowers.I wonder why you have not decided to use a high end digital camera and Photoshop. This remarkable combination brought me back to photography. There is instant gratification in taking a photo ,downloading on computer,manipulating in photoshop and printing in minutes.See my flowers on www.photographybyjackgilbert.com.Having viewed many of your pics it is evident you are a superp photographer and I think you should employ this to a fuller degree in the digital world. Congratulations. JACK" 2971

Bruce Wilson thought on 4/19/2001 that this photo was 'interesting' and added the following:
"It is a macro shot (using a 25mm extension tube), and using the angle finder. Angle finders are essential for getting shots that most people don't see, because you can get your camera in odd locations (on the gorund looking up) and using the finder still see what you're shooting. Were I to do this again I's stop down a little more and keep everything in focus. Most macro photography has a depth of field problem. I think it's usually done to keep the background fuzzy. It's much better to stop down then remove the background with black velvet . With an angle finder you get sky in the background, and fuzzy sky is still sky. This shot was done on a tripod (set very low), but I had to keep the shutter speed high because the wind was blowing and moving the subject." 3314

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